Meet The Author
My, very noticeable, spiritual journey began at the age of 12 when I began to have Supernatural experiences. I had (what I later found out) was an out of the body experience. This perplexing incident propelled my quest to research what had happened to me. I continued to have various spiritual experiences, including when the Holy Spirit visited me in 1996 regarding writing His revelations down to share with you during these end times. Perhaps this is a “Last Call” for many to do their own research to determine where they will spend eternity instead of experiencing Hellfire by default. Therefore, this Book Series includes challenging exercises to assist you with this task.
During my college years, while studying at Tuskegee University to become an Electrical Engineer /Scientist (NASA Scholar-Fellowship), I made a commitment to the Lord, humbly saying: "if I can study all these books to become an engineer, I can commit to studying your Word to learn more about you." Still, I continued to have supernatural experiences which propelled more research; for instance, when I, physically and astonishingly saw, what I later found out, was the Holy Spirit (Deut 31:8). And just as the latter scripture describes, The Lord's Spirit stood before me then entered my body and has never left me.
I consider myself to be a Researcher and Messenger…not a Pastor. I profess to be a devout truth seeker whom the Lord has guided to share my research with you in hopes that you will take heed, evaluate and analyze this subject matter as you "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH" regarding your Eternal Past and Future before your certain date with death and presence before your Creator!
Passion for this Work of the Holy Spirit